In Between But Not Alone

John 17:11-19                                    

  Pastor Robyn Hogue         May 17, 2015       Skyline Presbyterian Church



If you’ve been curious about the preaching passages since Easter it may help to know that in these fifty days between Easter and Pentecost the church is called to consider again the things that Jesus said and taught as the first disciples waited in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is easy for us to imagine their discussions: What did Jesus mean by that? Now that they have witnessed the resurrection, so many things Jesus taught came into new light. And so it is that we imagine the disciples in Jerusalem, in the week before Pentecost, remembering what happened in the upper room.


They have just finished the Passover meal. Jesus is thinking about His crucifixion which will occur within the next 24 hours. He knows He is about to leave His disciples alone in the world and He goes before God as a priest would, to intercede for them, to pray for them. 

Listen again to His prayer. I am lifting out a few key verses: “While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe, but I will remain in the world no longer…Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your name—the name You gave Me—so that they may be one as We are one. Father, the time has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You. For You granted Him authority over all people that He might give eternal life…and this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” It is in this third verse that Jesus delivers the meaning of eternal life and in essence the meaning of life itself. He says, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” 

In essence, Jesus says, “the meaning of life is this: that you have a relationship with God, and Me His Son, Jesus Christ.” But, Jesus understood just how difficult it was going to be not only for His disciples but for all of us to come to this very simple realization in life and so He prays for two key things. First, in order that we might understand the meaning of life…

Jesus Prays for Our Protection from the World.

We do need protection from the world because the world can steal life from us. Patsy Clairmont, author of the book God Uses Cracked Pots, tells a story about her youngest son Jason. Little Jason has two goals in life. One is to have fun, and the other is to rest. He does both quite well. So it was no surprise when he was sent out to catch the bus one fall day and there was a knock on the door. Mom flew to the door, jerked it open, and their stood Jason looking up with his back pack and lunch box dragging the ground. Mom demanded, “What are you doing here?” He bravely said, “I’ve quit school.” Mom said, “Quit school?” As she looked at her child in disbelief she tried to think of some motherly wisdom but all that came to mind at the time was “A stitch in time saves nine” and “Starve a cold, and feed fever.” They didn’t seem to fit the occasion so she asked, “Why have you quit school?” Without hesitation Jason said, “It’s too long, it’s too hard, and it’s too boring.” This time she was equal to the task. She shot back, “you have just described life. Get on the bus!” 

The day in and day out tediousness and challenges of life can be overwhelming. Sometimes life can be just too long, too hard, and too boring and we can lose our Christian hope and joy and succumb to despair. It’s then that we try to find meaning in life in things other than God. We look for escape through a bottle; we look for happiness in the form of another woman; we look for stability in life through another man; we try to resolve conflict through violence; or we try to solve material desires by stealing. Jesus understood these trials and temptations and so He prayed, “Holy Father, protect them from the world so they may be one as We are one.”

Our souls need to be safeguarded from the corruption of the world. Jesus prayed for His disciples that the Father would protect them and keep them from losing their way in the world. Jesus knew that only with God’s protection would they be able to discover the ultimate meaning of life. We need a safe environment—and I don’t think this means merely a safe physical and social environment—but a safe spiritual environment to nurture our commitment to God.

Jesus understood how difficult it was going to be for us to understand the meaning of life. It’s difficult, because there are so many ways to get lost in the world; but, the way is open, because God is here to protect us; to give our souls the security we need in order to hear Christ’s call and follow. This brings us to the second part of Jesus’ prayer. In order that we might understand the meaning of life…

Jesus Prays That We Might Know God.

Moses, when he brought down the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai, he gathered all Israel together and read the commandments before the people. Then he summed up the Ten Commandments in these words, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all soul, and with all your strength.

When Jesus was asked by an expert in the law, “What is the greatest commandment in all the law?” Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and all your mind.”

And on the evening before His crucifixion, Jesus prays. He prays that the disciples will come to know God in a personal way. Actually Jesus is simply echoing those words of Moses. He is restating the lines in a brief phrase: “That they may know You, the only true God.”

Jesus wasn’t talking about knowing God like you know your ABC’s. Let’s not kid ourselves. When the love in your life tells you that he or she wants to know you better, they don’t mean your shoe size. They’re talking about intimacy and closeness. They want to know you personally. That’s what Jesus is praying for and I want to tell you how hard this is. It’s hard enough to let our family in the door of our hearts let alone God. And yet, this is what is being asked of you. I tell you this is the only way to find meaning in life. And it’s the only way your children and grandchildren will find meaning in their lives. When Moses read all of Israel the Ten Commandments and summed the up by saying “Love God with all your heart,” he added something very important, “Teach these commandments to your children.” Of course, the best way to teach the next generation the meaning of life is to live it ourselves.


Milt Rood worked for years and years in Spokane as a car salesman. He was also very active with the Union Gospel Mission work with juvenile delinquents. Week by week he’d patiently teach Bible study and pray with young men in trouble. One week Milt went into the hospital for exploratory surgery. The doctors found there was nothing that could be done. They sewed him up again and sent him home. He died within a week. After the funeral, my youth leader remarked, “It’s interesting that at the funeral no one ever asked how many cars he had sold!”

Kids know whether we love God with all our heart. What they want to see are parents and grandparents, adults in their church with such love and reverence for God that they bring Him into every area of their lives and put Him first in everything. Kids want to see whether we love Christ enough to obey Him.

God gives us protection and He desires that we have a personal relationship with Him. Remember that Jesus’ prayer was for His disciples, those who had already walked with Him for three years. We have a need to deepen our relationship with God. Jesus prays that we might do so. Will you pray that you might come to know God more deeply so that you can be one even as Jesus and the Father are one. “Hear, O Skyline: The Lord our God is one Lord: and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.”